On 19th of February I will give a talk in Bristol titled “The Rise and Fall of Somali Pirates: Theorizing Maritime Security Governance in Eastern Africa”. The talk is part of the Global Insecurities Centre Visiting Speaker Series and takes place in Room G2, 10 Priory Road – Wednesday 19th February, 1pm. In the talk I discuss the current state of Somali piracy and present a number of insights from my ongoing ESRC-project on counter-piracy. Specifically I am interested in the effects of Somali piracy and the prospects for maritime security governance in Eastern Africa in the mid-term.
Category Archives: Events and Presentations
Public Lecture on the Performativity of Piracy in Cardiff
On 12th February 2014, 5.00pm, Room 2.18 65-68 Park Place, Cardiff, I will give a lecture that draws on my recent research on the performativity of piracy. Here is the summary:
This talk is an invitation to an adventure with pirates and social theorists. Mobilizing a broad arsenal of cultural resources such as current movies about piracy from Captain Phillips to The Expendables, computer games, legal texts or pirate statistics, Christian Bueger asks in this talk what the agency of contemporary pirates is and why piracy is problematic. In the talk Somali pirates enter into a dialogue with social theorists, such as John Dewey, Bruno Latour and Michel Foucault. The result is an outline of different forms of contemporary agency and means of producing international problems. The following discussion provides an opportunity to debate the state of Somali piracy as much as different forms of performativity.
Call for Papers: Maritime Securityscapes, WISC Frankfurt 6-9.8.2014
The maritime remains an unchartered space of international relations. The discipline of International Relations largely treats the maritime as an empty space that requires to be bridged without paying attention to what happens at sea. While the discourse on naval power has addressed the maritime as space of military action, this panel series intends to broaden our understanding of the oceans by studying it as a securityscape. The panel series invites contributions (paper, panel, or roundtable proposals) that study maritime security and ocean governance broadly understood. In what way is the maritime increasingly securitized? What are the larger consequences of security action at sea? How can maritime security challenges including, but not limited to, piracy, smuggling, migration and non-proliferation be governed? What regimes, institutions, projects or technologies are required to deal with maritime security?
The panel series is organized jointly by the Counter-Piracy Governance project at Cardiff University, the Maritime Security program of Coventry University, and by the Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich. All paper proposals should be accompanied by a brief author biography (2-3 sentences) and an institutional address and be emailed to Dr Christian Bueger at buegercm@cf.ac.uk by no later than 25th of November. The World International Studies Committee Conference will take place between 6-9 August 2014 with decisions about submissions made by the conference organisers by February 2014. Further details can be found at: http://www.fb03.uni-frankfurt.de/46347686/wisc
In the Field: Conference on “Good order at sea off Eastern Africa: Beyond piracy”
From 18.9.-.20.9.2013, the 3rd International Conference on Strategic Theory in Dar es Salam, Tanzania will explore which lessons can be learned from Somali piracy and how maritime security governance in the region can be strengthened. The conference attended by academics, defense experts and maritime security practitioners is organized by the Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University and the Royal Danish Defence College.
At the conference I will give a presentation titled “Learning from Piracy. Challenges of Maritime Security Governance”. More information is available here.
Roundtable on Special Issue: The Global Fight Against Piracy
Together with the journal Global Policy and the Greenwich Maritime Institute I organize a launch event to discuss the special section on Contemporary Maritime Piracy. The special section discusses the problem of piracy from different disciplinary perspectives and is the outcome of a workshop held in London in 2011. Confirmed panellists for the event include Professor Christopher Bellamy, (Director of the Greenwich Maritime Institute) Dr Christian Bueger (Cardiff University), Dr Douglas Guilfoyle (University College London), Dr Axel Klein (University of Kent), Dr Anja Shortland (Brunel University), as well as representatives from the maritime security sector. Further information on the event is available here.
Workshop on Piracy Studies
On 30th of September I am organizing a one day workshop investigating the contributions different disciplines can make to the global fight against piracy. The workshop is hosted by the Greenwich Maritime Institute, and 15 participants from different disciplines and countries contribute. Further information is available here.