Christian Bueger


Most of my publications are available for free through Researchgate or Academia. Please also feel free to email me if you would like an electronic copy of any of the articles and can’t access it thanks to the links below. Some of these publications are discussed in podcasts, see the overview here.


Edited Collections

  • Conceptualising International Practices, edited volume (co-edited with Alena Drieschova and Ted Hopf), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Includes contributions by Emanuel Adler, Steven Bernstein, Frank Gadinger, Fritz Kratochwil, Anna Leander, Vincent Pouliot, William Walters and others.
  • Capacity Building for Maritime Security. The Western Indian Ocean Experience, edited volume (co-edited with Timothy Edmunds and Robert McCabe), Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2020. Includes contributions by Simone Tholens, Ehud Eiran, Francois Vrey, Rupert Alcock and others.
  • Maritime Security: the uncharted politics of the global sea, Special Section of International Affairs 95(5), (co-edited with Timothy Edmunds and Barry J. Ryan), 2019. Includes contributions by Aviad Rubin, Ehud Eiran, Douglas Guilfoyle, Elizabeth DeSombre, Katja Lindskov Jacobsen and Jessica Larsen.
  • Security Expertise: Practices, Power and Responsibility, London: Routledge PRIO New Security Studies Series, 2015, (co-edited with Trine Villumsen Berling). Includes contributions by Robert Evans, Gil Eyal, Tom Osborne, Ole Waever, James McGann, Judith Reppy, Saul Halfon, Lisa Stampnitzky, Hugh Gusterson, Richard Jackson, and Piki Ish Shalom.
  • The Global Fight Against Piracy, Special Section of Global Policy 4(1), 2013. With contributions by Douglas Guilfoyle, Sarah Percy and Anja Shortland, Basil Germond, and Axel Klein.

Major Journal Articles (refereed)

  • Oceans, Objects, Infrastructures: Making Modern Piracy, Global Studies Quarterly, forthcoming 2024 (with Jan Stockbruegger).
  • Maritime security and the wind: Threats and Risks to Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure, Ocean Yearbook 39, 465-488, 2024 (with Tim Edmunds), doi: 10.1163/22116001-03801017 [open access].
  • From mitigation to adaptation: problematizing climate change in the maritime transport industry, WIREs Climate Change, e894, 2024 (with Jan Stockbruegger), doi: 10.1002/wcc.894 [open access].
  • Advancing Coordination in Critical Maritime Infrastructure Protection: Lessons from Maritime Piracy and Cybersecurity, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 46, 2024 (with Tobias Liebetrau), doi: 10.1016/j.ijcip.2024.100683 [open access].
  • Global Ordering and the Interaction of Communities of Practice: A Framework for Analysis, Global Studies Quarterly 4(1): ksad079, 2024 (with Maren Hofius & Scott Edwards), doi: 10.1093/isagsq/ksad079 [open access].
  • Theorizing Infrastructures in Global Politics, International Studies Quarterly 67(4): squad101, 2023 (with Tobias Liebetrau and Jan Stockbruegger), doi: 10.1093/isq/squad101.
  • Critical Maritime Infrastructure Protection: What’s the trouble?, Marine Policy 155: 105772, 2023 (with Tobias Liebetrau), doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105772 [open access]
  • The European Union’s quest to become a global maritime security provider, Naval War College Review 76(2): article 6, 2023 (with Tim Edmunds), [open access].
  • Blue Paradigms. Understanding the intellectual revolution in global ocean politics. International Affairs, 99(4): 1719–1739, 2023 (with Felix Mallin), doi: 10.1093/ia/iiad124.
  • Maritime security and the Western Indian Ocean’s militarisation dilemma, African Security Review 31(2): 195-210, 2022 (with Jan Stockbruegger), doi: 10.1080/10246029.2022.2053556, [preprint].
  • Innovation and new strategic choices: Refreshing the UK’s National Strategy for Maritime Security, RUSI Journal 166(4): 66-75, 2021 (with Tim Edmunds & Scott Edwards), doi: 10.1080/03071847.2021.1981777.
  • Governing hidden infrastructure: The security politics of the global submarine data cable network, Contemporary Security Policy, 42(3): 391-413, 2021 (with Tobias Liebetrau), doi: 10.1080/13523260.2021.1907129.
  • Pragmatic Ordering: Informality, experimentation, and the maritime security agenda, Review of International Studies 47(2): 171-191, 2021 (with Tim Edmunds), doi: 10.1017/S0260210520000479.
  • Blue Crime: Conceptualising Transnational Organised Crime at Sea, Marine Policy 119: 104067, 2020 (with Tim Edmunds), doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104067. [pdf]
  • Into the Sea: Capacity Building Innovations and the Maritime Security Challenge, Third World Quarterly 41(2): 228-246, 2020 (with Tim Edmunds & Robert McCabe), doi: 10.1080/01436597.2019.1660632.
  • Performing piracy: A note on the multiplicity of agency, Journal of International Relations and Development 22(4): 832-852, 2019, doi: 10.1057/s41268-017-0122-0.
  • Territory, Authority, Expertise: Global Governance and the Counter-Piracy Assemblage, European Journal of International Relations 24(3): 614-637, 2018, doi: 10.1177/1354066117725155.
  • How Do Small Island States Maximize Influence? Creole Diplomacy and the Smart State Foreign Policy of the Seychelles, Journal of the Indian Ocean Region 14(2): 170-188, 2018 (with Anders Wivel), doi: 10.1080/19480881.2018.1471122.
  • Beyond Seablindness: A New Agenda For Maritime Security Studies, International Affairs 93(6): 1293–1311, 2017 (co-authored with Timothy Edmunds), doi: 10.1093/ia/iix174 [open access] ; reprinted in “Maritime Security and the Law of the Sea: Help Or Hindrance?”, eds. Malcoms D. Evans and Sofia Galani, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 25-47, 2020.
  • Expertise in the Age of Post-Factual Politics: An Outline of Reflexive Strategies, GeoForum 84: 332-341, 2017 (with Trine Villumsen Berling), doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.05.008.
  • Poachers and Pirates: Improving coordination of the global response to wildlife crime, South African Crime Quarterly 60: 29-36,  2017 (co-authored with Olga Biegus), doi: 10.17159/2413-3108/2017/v0n60a1724, [open access].
  • Pirates, Drugs and Navies. Why the Western Indian Ocean needs a new security architecture, RUSI Journal 161(5): 46-52, 2016 (with Jan Stockbruegger), doi: 10.1080/03071847.2016.1253375, [open access].
  • Doing Europe: Agency and the European Union in the field of counter-piracy practice, European Security 25(4): 407-422, 2016,  doi: 10.1080/09662839.2016.1236020, [open access].
  • The Play of International Practice, International Studies Quarterly 59(3): 449-460, 2015 (with Frank Gadinger), doi: 10.1111/isqu.12202, [open access].
  • From Dusk to Dawn? Maritime Domain Awareness in Southeast Asia, Contemporary Southeast Asia 17(2): 157-182, 2015, doi: 10.1355/cs37-2a, [open access].
  • Making things known: Epistemic Practice, the United Nations and the Translation of Piracy, International Political Sociology 9(1): 1-19, 2015, doi: 10.1111/ips.12073, [open access]
  • Learning from Piracy: Future Challenges of Maritime Security Governance, Global Affairs 1(1): 33-42, 2015, doi: 10.1080/23340460.2015.960170, [open access].
  • What is Maritime Security?, Marine Policy 53: 159-164, 2015, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.12.005, [open access]
  • Pathways to Practice. Praxiography and International Politics, European Political Science Review 6(3): 383-406, 2014, doi: 10.1017/S1755773913000167, [open access].
  • Piracy Studies – Academic Responses to the Return of an Ancient Menace, Cooperation and Conflict 49(3): 406-416, 2014, doi: 10.1177/0010836713484117.
  • Actor-Networking the Failed State – An Enquiry into the Life of Concepts, Journal of International Relations and Development, 17(1): 30-60, 2014 (with Felix Bethke), doi: 10.1057/jird.2012.30.
  • Communities of Security Practice at Work? The Emerging African Maritime Security Regime, African Security 6(3-4): 297-316, 2013, doi: 10.1080/19392206.2013.853579, [open access].
  • Practice, Pirates and Coastguards: The Grand Narrative of Somali Piracy, Third World Quarterly 34(10): 1811-1827, 2013, doi: 10.1080/01436597.2013.851896, [open access].
  • Actor-Network Theory, Methodology, and International Organization, International Political Sociology 7(3 Forum on “Actor-Network Theory” and International Relationality: Lost (and Found) in Translation, edited by William Walters and Jaqueline Best): 338-342, 2013, doi: 10.1111/ips.12026_3.
  • Counter-Piracy, Communities of Practice and New Security Alignments, Journal of Regional Security 8(3): 49-62, 2013, doi: 10.11643/issn.2217-995X122SPZ21.
  • Orchestrating the Response: Somali Piracy and Ontological Complexity, Global Policy 4(1): 86-93, 2013, doi: 10.1111/j.1758-5899.2012.00194.x.
  • Practical Reflexivity and Political Science: Strategies for Relating Scholarship and Political Practice, PS: Political Science & Politics 46(1): 115-119, 2013 (with Trine Villumsen Berling), doi: 10.1017/S1049096512001278.
  • Drops in the Bucket: A Review of Onshore Responses to Somali Piracy, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs 15(1 Special Issue on ‘Piracy at Sea’, edited by Sam P. Menefee and Max Meija): 15-31, 2012, doi: 10.1007/s13437-012-0022-5.
  • From Epistemology to Practice: A Sociology of Science for International Relations, Journal of International Relations and Development 15(1): 97-109. 2012, doi: 10.1057/jird.2011.28.
  • Pirates, Fishermen and Peacebuilding – Options for Counter-Piracy Strategy in Somalia, Contemporary Security Policy 32(2): 356-381. 2011 (with Jan Stockbruegger and Sascha Werthes), doi: 10.1080/13523260.2011.590359.
  • The Clash of Practice: Political Controversy and the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission, Evidence and Policy 7:(2 Special Issue on The Practice of Policymaking, edited by Richard Freeman, Steven Griggs and Annette Boaz): 171-191. 2011, doi: 10.1332/174426411X579216.
  • Praktisch Gedacht! Praxistheoretischer Konstruktivismus in den Internationalen Beziehungen. [Think Practical! Practice-theoretical Constructivism in International Relations], Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 15(2): 273-302. 2008 (with Frank Gadinger),
  • Beyond the Gap: Relevance, Fields of Practice and the Securitizing Consequences of (Democratic Peace) Research. Journal of International Relations and Development 10(4): 417-448. 2007 (with Trine Villumsen), doi: 10.1057/palgrave.jird.1800136.
  • Reassembling and Dissecting: International Relations Practice from a Science Studies Perspective. International Studies Perspectives 8(1): 90-110. 2007 (with Frank Gadinger), doi: 10.1111/j.1528-3585.2007.00271.x.
  • Critical Approaches to Security in Europe. A Networked Manifesto. Security Dialogue 37(4): 443-487. 2006. (co-authored with 25 colleagues, published as c.a.s.e. collective), doi: 10.1177/0967010606073085.

Chapters in Edited Books

  • Not yet comparable? Maritime security and the mess of epistemic infrastructures, in “Comparisons in Global Security Politics”, edited by Thomas Mueller, Mathias Albert and Kerrin Langer, Bristol: Bristol University Press, 109-127, 2024, in print.
  • Maritime security in the age of infrastructure, in “Maritime Security, New Technology and Ethics: Evolving Challenges and Opportunities’”, AscoMare Yearbook on the Law of the Sea, Volume 3, 73-88, 2024,
  • Styles of theorizing practice, in “Praxis as a Perspective on International Relations”, edited by Gunther Hellmann and Jens Steffek, Bristol: Bristol University Press, 51-71, 2022, doi: 10.47674/9781529220490.004 [open access].
  • Conceptualizing International Practices. Establishing a Research Agenda in Conversations, in “Conceptualising International Practices, New directions for the practice turn in international relations”, edited by Alena Drieschova, Christian Bueger and Ted Hopf) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3-27, 2022 (with Alena Drieschova), doi:10.1017/9781009052504.001
  • Conclusion. Concepts and the Future of International Practice Theorizing , in “Conceptualising International Practices, New directions for the practice turn in international relations”, edited by Alena Drieschova, Christian Bueger and Ted Hopf) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 260-273, 2022 (with Alena Drieschova), doi:10.1017/9781009052504.012
  • Shifting Tides: The Blue Economy and Concepts in Practice, in “Concepts at Work: On the linguistic infrastructure of world politics”, edited by Piki Ish-Shalom, Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, 137-156, 2021.
  • Conducting field research when there is no ‘field’. A note on the praxiographic challenge. in “The Political Anthropology of Internationalized Politics”, edited by Sarah Biecker and Klaus Schlichte, Rowman & Littlefield, 29-45, 2021, pre-print available as doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14464.58888.
  • Maritime Security, Capacity Building and the Western Indian Ocean, in “Capacity Building for Maritime Security. The Western Indian Ocean Experience”, edited by Christian Bueger, Tim Edmunds and Robert McCabe, Palgrave MacMillan, 3-20, 2021 (with Tim Edmunds and Robert McCabe), doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50064-1_1.
  • Theorizing Capacity Building, in “Capacity Building for Maritime Security. The Western Indian Ocean Experience”, edited by Christian Bueger, Tim Edmunds and Robert McCabe, Palgrave MacMillan, 21-48, 2021 (with Simone Tholens), doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50064-1_2.
  • Seychelles: Island solutions and capacity building successes, in “Capacity Building for Maritime Security. The Western Indian Ocean Experience”, edited by Christian Bueger, Tim Edmunds and Robert McCabe, Palgrave MacMillan, 199-222, 2021 (with Alvin Marie), doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50064-1_8.
  • Conclusion: Governing the maritime, providing international assistance, in “Capacity Building for Maritime Security. The Western Indian Ocean Experience”, edited by Christian Bueger, Tim Edmunds and Robert McCabe, Palgrave MacMillan, 283-300, 2021 (with Tim Edmunds and Robert McCabe), doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50064-1_11.
  • A glue that withstands heat? The promise and perils of maritime domain awareness, in “Maritime Security: Counter-Terrorism Lessons from Maritime Piracy and Narcotics Interdiction” edited by Edward R. Lucas, Samuel Rivera-Paez, Thomas Crosbie and Felix Falck Jensen, IOS Press, 235 – 245, 2020.
  • Experts in an Adventure with Pirates: A Story of  Somali Piracy Expertise, in “Assembling Exclusive Expertise: Conflict Resolution Knowledge in Practice“, edited by Anna Leander and Ole Wæver, London: Routledge, 40-56, 2018, doi: 10.4324/9781351136747-3.
  • International Practice Theories, in “Praxeological Political Analysis”, edited by Michael Jonas, and Beate Littig, London: Routledge, 87-106,  2016 (with Frank Gadinger), doi: 10.4324/9781315628479-13.
  • John Dewey, in “The Return of the Theorists. Dialogues with Great Thinkers in International Relations“, edited by Richard Ned Lebow, Peer Schouten & Hidemi Suganami, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 164-172, 2016 (with Peer Schouten).
  • Experimenting in Global Governance: Learning Lessons with the Contact Group on Piracy, in “Knowing Governance. The epistemic construction of political order”, edited by Richard Freeman and Jan-Peter Voß, Palgrave MacMillan, 87-104, 2015, doi: 10.1057/9781137514509_4
  • Security Expertise: An Introduction, in “Security Expertise: Practices, Power and Responsibility”, edited by Trine Villumsen Berling and Christian Bueger. Abingdon: Routledge, 1-18, 2015 (with Trine Villumsen Berling).
  • Experimental Governance: Can the Lessons of the CGPCS be transferred to other policy fields?, in “The Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS). A Lessons Learnt Compendium”, edited by Thierry Tardy, Paris: EU Institute for Security Studies, 78-85, 2014,
  • From Expert Communities to Epistemic Arrangements: Situating Expertise in International Relations, in “International Relations and the Global Politics of Science and Technology“, edited by Maximilian Mayer, Mariana Carpes, and Ruth Knoblich, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 39-54, 2014, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-55007-2_2.
  • Proximity, in “Critical Security Methods: New Frameworks for Analysis“, edited by Claudia Aradau, Jef Huysmans, Andrew McNeal and Nadine Voelckner. London: Routledge, 118-141, 2014 (with Manuel Mireanu), doi: 10.4324/9781315881549-10.
  • Narrative Praxiographie: Klandestine Praktiken und das Grand Narrativ Somalischer Piraterie [Narrative Praxiography: The Grand Narrative of Somali Piracy], in “Politische Narrative [Political Narratives]”, edited by Fank Gadinger, Sebastian Jarzebski, and Taylan Yildiz, Wiesbaden: Springer VS., 201-223, 2014, doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-02581-6_8.
  • Thinking Assemblages Methodological: Some rules of thumb, in Re-Assembling International Theory. Assemblage Thinking and International Relations, edited by Michele Acuto and Simon Curtis, Palgrave MacMillan, 60-68, 2014, doi: 10.1057/9781137383969.
  • Die Formalisierung der Informalität. Praxistheoretische Überlegungen‘ [The Formalization of Informality. Practice-theoretical Considerations], in “Informelle Politik – Konzepte, Akteure und Prozesse [Informal Politics. Concepts, Actors & Processes]”, edited by Timo Grunden and Stephan Bröchler, 81-98, 2013 (with Frank Gadinger), doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-02380-5_4.
  • Responses to Contemporary Piracy: Disentangling the Organizational Field, in “Modern Piracy: Legal Challenges and Responses”, edited by Douglas Guilfoyle, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 91-114, 2013, doi: 10.4337/9781849804936.00012.
  • Theorien der Maritimen Sicherheit: Versicherheitlichungstheorie und sicherheitspolitische Praxeographie [Theories of Maritime Security: Securitization and Praxiography], in “Maritime Sicherheit [Maritime security]” edited by Sebastian Bruns, Kerstin Petretto und David Petrovic, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 25-36, 2013, doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-19068-6_3, [review].
  • Security Communities, Alliances and Macro-securitization: The Practices of Counter-Piracy Governance, in “Maritime Piracy and the Construction of Global Governance“, edited by Michael J. Struett, Mark T. Nance and Jon D. Carlson, London: Routledge, 99-124, 2013 (with Jan Stockbruegger), [review].
  • Sozialwissenschaften in der globalen Politik – Der Fall der Friedensschaffungspolitik der Vereinten Nationen. [Social Science in Global Politics – The case of peacebuilding politics at the United Nations], in “Wissen, Wissenschaft und Global Commons. Konturen eines interdisziplinären Forschungsfeldes [Knowledge, Science and Global Commons. Contours of an interdisciplinary field of research]”, edited by Melanie Morisse-Schilbach and Jost Halfmann, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 295-316, 2012, doi: 10.5771/9783845239323].
  • Große Gräben, Brücken, Elfenbeintürme und Klöster? Die ‚Wissensgemeinschaft Internationale Beziehungen’ und die Politik – Eine kulturtheoretische Neubeschreibung. [Gaps, Bridges, Ivory Towers and Monasteries? The Knowledge Community International Relations and Politics – Towards a Cultural Vocabulary] In “Forschung und Beratung in der Wissensgesellschaft [Research and Advice in the Knowledge Society]”, edited by Gunther Hellmann. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 149-188, 2007 (with Frank Gadinger).
  • Das Auswärtige Amt auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Beratungskultur? Der Dialog zwischen externem Fachwissen und Politik im Feld der Außenpolitik. [Is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on its Way to a new Advisory Culture? On the Dialogue between Expertise and Politics in Foreign Policy] In “Handbuch Politikberatung [Handbook on Policy Advice]”, edited by Svenja Falk, Dieter Rehfeld, Andrea Römmele and Martin Thunert. Opladen/Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 509-522, 2006, doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-90052-0_46.
  • The used key is always bright? Zu den Folgen der Verwendung sozialwissenschaftlichen Wissens in der Außenpolitik: Der Fall des “Demokratischen Friedens” [The Consequences of Using Social Science Knowledge in Foreign Policy: The Case of Democratic Peace]. In “Diskurse der Gewalt – Gewalt der Diskurse”, edited by Michael Schultze, Jörg Meyer, Britta Krause  and Dietmar Fricke. Frankfurt et al.: Peter Lang. 179-194, 2005.

Handbook & Textbook Chapters

Smaller Journal Articles & Academic Blogs

Book Reviews

  • Review of “Explaining the European Union’s Foreign Policy: A Practice Theory of Translocal Action. By Magnus Ekengren. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.”, Perspectives on Politics 19(1): 339-340, 2021.
  • Review of “Grey and White Hulls: An International Analysis of the Navy-Coastguard Nexus. Edited by Ian Bowers and Swee Lean Collin Koh. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.”, Contemporary Southeast Asia 42(1): 132-134, 2020.
  • “We are all islanders now”. Michel’s Blue Economy kaleidoscope and the missing link to maritime security, Journal of the Indian Ocean Region 14(1): 117-119, 2018, doi: 10.1080/19480881.2017.1317500.
  • Book review of ‘Small Navies. Strategy and Policy for Small Navies in War and Peace, edited by Michael Mulqueen, Deborah Sanders and Ian Speller’, in International Affairs 91(4), 13-15, 2015.
  • Book review of ‘The Anarchic Sea. Maritime Security in the 21st Century, by David Sloggett’ & ‘International Maritime Security Law, by James Kraska and Raul Pedrezo’, in International Affairs 90(6): 1464-1465, 2014.
  • Book Review of Oren, Ido 2003. Our Enemies & Us. America’s Rivalries and the Making of Political Science, Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press, in PVS Politische Vierteljahresschrift 45:3, 442-3. 2003.

Policy reports, working papers & blogs


In the Pipeline: under review / in progress / unpublished 

For copies contact me by email or visit my Research Gate or Page where the majority of drafts are published.

Under review

  • Mitigating marine safety and security risks to sustainable ocean development: a framework for analysis (with J. Stockbruegger and V. Raffaly).

In progress

  • In the shadows. A praxiography of pirates, experts and informal governance, book manuscript.
  • Epistemic Communities in the Digital Age. Infrastructures of knowing the sea, article.
  • Theorizing Practice. On Spiders, Ants and Bees, article.
  • Praxiographic avenues: Observation, Cooperation and Intervention, book chapter.
  • Hybrid Governance in the Underwater World: the case of the International Cable Protection Committee, article draft.

Unpublished (abandoned) Manuscripts

  • International fieldwork in the post pandemic age. Introducing Zoomography (with Scott Edwards).
  • Bursts! Theoretical Fashions in International Organization Studies. A Bibliometric Analysis (with Felix Bethke), draft paper presented at the 2014 Conference of the International Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, March 2014.
  • Humboldt is dead. The research-teaching nexus in the contemporary university (with Huw Williams), Cardiff: Cardiff University, unpublished draft.
  • Communities of Practice in World Politics: Theory or Technology?, unpublished draft.
  • Documents! Rethinking Text Analysis, paper presented at the 2014 Conference of the International Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, March 2014

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