In a new article forthcoming with African Security Review, I analyze together with Jan Stockbruegger the situation in the Western Indian Ocean and develop the concept of the militarization dilemma. Here is the link to the pre-print, and the abstract … Continue reading
Search Results for: shade
New commentary on the maritime security architecture in the Western Indian Ocean
Reflecting on my recent participation in the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS) and the Shared Awareness and Deconfliction (SHADE) mechanism, I’ve published a commentary together with Timothy Walker from the Institute for Security Studies in … Continue reading
My consultancy work is in the field of maritime security and ocean governance. I have 15+ years of progressive experience in technical research and policy analysis, writing, lessons learned, best practice development, advising diplomatic processes, organizing international conferences, as moderator, … Continue reading
Does the Mediterranean need a contact group?
In a new comment published on the CIMSEC Blog, I discuss what might be learned from counter-piracy for the current migration crisis in the Mediterranean. I argue that there are at least three major lessons: 1) a Contact Group following … Continue reading
A role model for information sharing? Visiting the Singapore IFC
Fusing information from different data sources is one of the major challenges of the maritime security agenda. It is important notably for transnational coordination across the civil-military and public-private divide and to ensure timely responses to emerging threats and incidents. … Continue reading
Day 3 of CGPCS Counter-Piracy week
The third day of the CGPCS counter-piracy week saw the first meeting of the new working group on coordination at sea, and the 17th plenary was held. The working group meeting co-chaired by the United Arab Emirates, the Seychelles and … Continue reading
In the Field: Consultation with NATO’s Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Center
To discuss and finalize the process of a potential contribution of the Big Three for the Lessons Learned Project of the CGPCS I visited NATO’s Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Center (JALLC) in Lisbon, Portugal. The JALLC will most likely … Continue reading
I welcome inquiries for interviews and comments on issues of international affairs, especially concerning: maritime security, naval operations, maritime piracy, shipping accidents and oil spills, critical maritime infrastructure (subsea data cables, windfarms, energy islands). I have rich expertise in the … Continue reading
In the Field: Visit to Northwood
Yesterday, I visited the Northwood Headquarters of NATO and EU NAVFOR near London to discuss the contribution of the “big three” multilateral naval operations in the fight against piracy to the Lessons Learned Project for the Contact Group. The Lessons … Continue reading